Early Promise With Novel Treatments in Advanced Ewing Sarcoma
Encouraging data from phase I and II studies in pre-treated adult patients but not in children where prognosis is poor.

Growing Evidence for the Benefit of Targeting Molecular Alterations in Rare Head and Neck Cancer
Findings from early clinical trials at the ESMO Virtual Congress 2020 are encouraging for the use of precision medicine in adenoid cystic carcinoma and salivary gland carcinoma

Lenvatinib Plus Pembrolizumab Show Promise in Melanoma After Progression on Checkpoint Inhibitors
In the LEAP-004 study presented at the ESMO Virtual Congress 2020, ORR is encouraging but survival results are difficult to interpret.

Ovarian Cancer: First-line Dose-dense Chemotherapy is Not Superior to Standard 3-weekly Chemotherapy
ICON8 trial final analysis confirms results of the previously published progression-free survival analysis

Men and Women Benefit Differently from Immunotherapy
Understanding the impact of the patients’ sex on clinical outcomes to treatment with immunotherapy might add another piece to the puzzle of the most effective way to use checkpoint inhibitors.

Pembrolizumab Could Become a New Standard Option for Treatment of Kaposi Sarcoma
Encouraging early data suggests PD-1 blockade is also effective in other advanced non-melanoma skin cancers such as advanced basal cell carcinoma.

Are Higher Prices of Anticancer Medicines Reflected in Better Outcomes for Patients?
Studies presented at the ESMO Virtual Congress 2020 report high expenditure in the research and development process and discrepancies in costs of therapies among countries

PROfound: Overall Survival Data with Olaparib Herald Practice-changing Treatment of Metastatic Prostate Cancer
A new treatment paradigm for men with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC) and BRCA1, BRCA2 or ATM mutations

Surufatinib is a Potential New Option in Advanced Pancreatic NETs
Some studies presented at the ESMO Virtual Congress 2020 also show promise in addressing unmet needs in NETs, while a survey reveals delays in diagnosis or misdiagnosis are still common

How Does COVID-19 Impact on the Prognosis of Patients With Cancer?
Updates from three large global registries confirm that cancer is an independent adverse factor in people infected with coronavirus