Innovation means progress for all people with cancer
Effectiveness, applicability and accessibility measure the value of novel technologies and therapies in oncology

Off-label use of cancer medicines: an option not without challenges
Together with an off-trial use and off-track access to oncology therapies, a consolidated trend is reported in clinical practice despite the uncertainties on efficacy and safety

How to mark a tangible impact in cancer control
Recent research shows that tailored strategies and political commitment can revert current epidemiology trends of cancer

Health as a human right, cancer care as a human priority
Universal health coverage in oncology is still not a reality, as a recent report shows

How to integrate the social determinants of health in cancer care
Increasing data show that they are indicators of inequitable environments which may negatively impact on cancer outcomes, but more efforts are needed to properly assess them in oncology

Early drug development: paving the way to patient-centred design
Adding precision to dose-finding in early-phase clinical trials has become critical in the immunotherapy era, and moving away from paradigms of the past has become mandatory

Disclose or not disclose – COIs mismanagement erodes public trust
There is a broader negligence of the public health consequences of individual actions among the health providers

You are not your COI, but COI can make you
There is a misunderstanding in what financial conflict of interests do on single people and what system implications they may have

Double standards in healthcare: a modern hypocrisy
Having treatment protocols for the rich countries and alternative protocols for the poor ones still nurtures global health disparities

Fair pricing in an unfair world — where is the value?
People think cancer care is unaffordable because of the high prices of cancer medicines. Some state that innovations in oncology mostly happen thanks to massive investments in the private sector.